Hi! I am John Pierre M. Ubales, a BS Occupational Therapy sophomore at the University of the Philippines Manila.
As part of our course activity, I want to ask OT students, faculty and practitioners about their perspective on health, illness and disability across different countries and cultures. Listed below are questions that you may want to answer. (NOTE: You can extend your answer beyond the guide questions, as to express yourself and your culture more freely).
Guide Questions:
1. What is your own view of health? Illness? Disability?
2. What do you do to stay healthy?
3. When someone in your family gets sick, what do you do to address the problem? What
courses of action do you or your family members take?
4. Who or what influenced you and your family to take these courses of action?
5. How do you, as an individual or family, cope with illness or the consequence of the
I hope that we can start a meaningful conversation through your replies in this post. Thank you!