We are from the University of South Dakota Occupational Therapy Program. We are conducting a research study entitled, "Measuring Implicit Biases Towards Students with ADHD in the School Setting". The purpose of the study is to understand the potential implicit biases toward students with ADGD of professionals working in the school setting.
You are being invited to participate in a research study if you work with children with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) in a professional capacity and are able to read English. If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire that asks about demographic information and an explicit measure of attitudes. You will also be asked to complete a computerized Implicit Attitudes Test (IAT). The IAT records reaction times to positive and negative words associated with students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This one-time online questionnaire should take approximately 40-45 minutes to complete.
The anonymous survey can be found at the following link:[https://southdakota.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eXr3tHPwYdBv458)
Please read the consent document at the beginning of the survey carefully, and if you have any questions feel free to contact the research study's principal investigator, Dr. Karen Hebert mailto:Karen.Hebert@usd.edu