
*Study information can be shared.
Join us in a Delphi method study exploring the role of physical wellness in Counselor Education. The focus of this study is to understand what aspects of exercise and nutrition are appropriate for counselors to discuss with clients and the level of training that would adequately prepare them to do so.
The input of experts, defined as licensed/credentialed professionals over the age of 18, with 5+ years of experience as an educator in the fields of Counselor Education, Health Psychology, Sports Psychology, Nutrition/Dietetics, Exercise Science, and Occupational Therapy, are needed to meet the goals of this study. All participants will be enrolled in a raffle to receive 1 of 4 available $50 gift cards.
Please get in touch with Kimberly Payne (PayneK@Adams.edu) if you are interested in participating.
We appreciate your time and support.
Kim Payne