We are final-year Occupational Therapy students at University College Cork (UCC) currently conducting our final year research project. Our study is titled:
"How do New Graduate Occupational Therapists (NGOTs) experience the transition from student to practitioner in Ireland, within the first two years of practice post-graduation?"
We aim to explore the experiences of NGOTs during their transition to professional practice, focusing on those practicing in the Republic of Ireland. The inclusion criteria for participation are as follows:
NGOTs who have graduated from Irish undergraduate Occupational Therapy programs between 2022 and 2024.
Practitioners working in any sector, on either a full-time or part-time basis.
If you are interested in participating in this study, please email us using the contact details below. An Information Sheet and Flyer will also be provided to all interested participants.
Emma Roche 121414436@umail.ucc.ie
Ieva Staponkute 118403126@umail.ucc.ie
Thank you in advance for your support! We greatly appreciate it!