Hi, my name es Ida, I am OT.
I am studying a master's degree in education ICT mention.
I am looking for research about the use of information and communication technologies for advanced studies ocupaccional therapy.
Or how to promote continuing education programs for occupational therapists with the use of information and communications technology.
Can you help me to get this information?
Thank you.
Hi Ida,
I am almost useless for you regarding this question but let me ask you why don't you google?
I am sure there are something you can find.
can people with more experience than me STOP APPLYING for the same jobs I am looking at? Honestly, I ask you.
It can be really frustrating looking for and applying jobs. Are you looking for an occupational therapy instructor or faculty position or an OT practice position? Perhaps, if you are looking for a position in OT education, people can suggest what strategies less experienced OT educators can use to find a job that is a good fit for them.
All the best,