I am writing from Colombo Sri Lanka where I will be teaching occupational therapy students in a BSc course for one month. I have taught here in the course and am always happy to be back. I am curious about others' experiences teaching in countries other than their own. Are you an occupational therapy educator who has taught in a different country or are you an OT educator that has used educators from other countries to come teach in your program? If so, let us know about your experiences, successes, and challenges! I look forward to hearing other educators' perspectives!
All the best,
Hello, my name is Di Ullrich. I am a Doctorate of OT student who is trying to gather information related to OT placement mentoring in developing countries of OT practice. I am developing the profession of OT in Kosovo and my doctoral project is to develop a clinical/fieldwork mentor training program for non-OT health professionals who are the clinical supervisors over OT students. I am looking for OT's who have worked in Education in places where OT is newly developed and would like to find out what training programs, if any, have been used in other countries, where there are not enough OT practitioners on-site to supervise OT students in their clinicals. I would appreciate any assistance you have to offer, even if you yourself are not in that role but you know someone else who is. Thank you!
Hello Bill, I have been living, working and developing the profession of OT in the Rep. of Kosovo since 1999. There would not be enough space to give a full report of the experiences, success and challenges. But would be happy to answer specific questions.
Thank you for posting here. I am very interested in the work you are doing in Kosovo. How long has the OT education program been running? I will also think about any resources I know of regarding the challenge of lack of supervising therapists for students' practice placements. I know many programs face this challenge when occupational therapy is an emerging profession in the country.
All the best,
Hello Bill,
I've not been on this site for quite some time. Sorry for the delay in answering your question. We are just finishing our 5th year of formal development. On July 13 we will graduate our 11th Kosovar occupational therapist. If you will be at the ENOTHE conference in Oct in Croatia. I will be presenting on the topic of practice placements in developing OT nations. I am still looking for information from other OT's who have worked in the development of OT in other nations.
Hi Di,
I have some colleagues that may have some ideas about how to go about practice placements when there aren't many practitioners available to supervise. I'll contact them and try to put you in contact with them. I will not be going to ENOTHE, but good luck on your presentation!