KosovaOT Hello, my name is Di Ullrich. I am a Doctorate of OT student who is trying to gather information related to OT placement mentoring in developing countries of OT practice. I am developing the profession of OT in Kosovo and my doctoral project is to develop a clinical/fieldwork mentor training program for non-OT health professionals who are the clinical supervisors over OT students. I am looking for OT's who have worked in Education in places where OT is newly developed and would like to find out what training programs, if any, have been used in other countries, where there are not enough OT practitioners on-site to supervise OT students in their clinicals. I would appreciate any assistance you have to offer, even if you yourself are not in that role but you know someone else who is. Thank you!
Valerie Kiley Hi Kosova, Did you ever get any response to this? I would like to help start some fieldwork affiliations in different countries; youth community or education based in particular.
KosovaOT No, I have not gotten a response. I would be interested in speaking more about your interests Valerie. My email address is kosovaot@gmail.com. Please feel free to email.
Katy BC I know that ASSA- also called Handicare International has used off-site clinical supervisors when on-site ones were not available. They cionnected over skype and/or facetime. I know UBC and Uof A both in Canada place OT students in "non-traditional sites. They are always placed in pairs so they have each other for support. In additionthere is an off site OT they are in contact with. I am not sure a non-OT can supervise an OT student.