Seeking all western occupational therapists who have experience working in low income countries
I am a post graduate student at Plymouth University. I am undertaking a research project aiming to understand the experiences of western occupational therapists working in low income countries with people with disabilities. I would be very interested to hear from you if you are a qualified occupational therapist with such an experience within the last five years and are fluent in English. If you know of other occupational therapists who have had such experience, please signpost them to this advertisement. It is an exciting area of practice where little research has been done; your participation would be greatly appreciated.
There are two stages to this study; a 20 minute online survey and an optional telephone or skype interview. The purpose of the interview is to gain a further in-depth understanding of your experiences. Please email the researcher or independent researcher if you are interested in participating in this study. It is anticipated that data analysis will commence in May 2018. If you are interested, please respond at your earliest convenience.
Thank you very much for your time. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact the researcher or the independent researcher below.
Researcher: Rebekah Chaplin
Independent researcher: Sarah Reynolds