Hello you,
My Name is Manon, I’m a student of the Occupational Therapy bachelor degree program from the Zuyd Hogeschool in Heerlen (Netherlands).
While the program it’s a task of “Internationalization” were I need to collect some statements of other Occupational Therapists of different cultures.
To complete the task I need a total of 2 Occupational Therapists, who are willing to help me.
Your task would be to have a look at my presentation on typical cultural activities from Germany.
You would then have to comment on this presentation by describing the importance attributed to the shown activity in your culture.
You can also describe in which form this activity occurs in your culture and how it is carried out there.
Your comment must be written in English so that I can understand it and fulfil the task.
If you’ll send me an e-mail to the following address, I can send my presentation back to you:
After you have watched the presentation, you can also send your comment back to this e-mail address.
I thank you in advance for your support and look forward to your cooperation.
Kind regards,